Lost Dances of Earthly Delights Volume 1 available from www.earthlydelights.com.auAuthor: John Garden
Contents - 55 dances
A Delightful Play
Bodice & Doublet
Boots & Blades Mazurka
Busy Fellows
Cavalier's Mazurka
Cozy Contra
Dancing in the Meadow
Dizzy Mixer
Fancy-Free Flirting
Four Baskets
Giddy Promenade
Greetings at the Crossroads
Indoor Games
Juggling Partners
Lotsi's Spell
Love's Labour
Making the Bed
Nymphs and Satyrs
Opposites Attract
Past, Present & Future
Reconciliation Reel
Red Rocks Bourree
Rings and Swings
Riverbank Ramble
Running the Gauntlet
Stomping Around
Take Eyes
That Broad Road
The Albert Hall Pavan
The Battering Ram
The Bridges of Konigsberg
The Carousel Waltz
The Celtic Spiral
The Chess Dance
The Clap Waltz
The Cloverleaf Waltz
The Courtship Polka
The Full-Moon Quadrille
The Knotted Square
The Long Way Home
The Loose Cannon Galop
The Palindrome
The Path to the Well
The Purple Tulip
The Pyrotechnic Polka
The Quarter-Short Square
The Secret Liason Waltz
The Shepherd's Trials
The Sweetheart Quadrille
The Tangled Web
The Wrong-Foot Polka
Turning the Tables
Vintage Footwork
Wedding Bell Waltz

These data were kindly typed in by Aylwen Garden, last modified by Aylwen Garden on 2005-10-08
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